Shingrix vs. Zostavax for preventing Shingles

Elderly people are most at risk for shingles, this blistering disease, with its often in intense pain, it’s threat to vision and the associated nerve pain sometimes lasts months even years after the initial rash fades. Almost all Americans harbor varicella zoster virus that causes shingles; they acquired it with childhood chickenpox whether they knew they had the disease or not. The virus can stay dormant until, for unknown reasons it erupts decades later. The risk rises sharply after age 50. When one reaches 80 There is a one in two chance of getting shingles. Zostavax can a eliminate/prevent 50% of the cases of shingles among the elderly. Shingrix Which will be available by early 2018 with an 97% effectiveness rate in adults over age 50 and then 90% effective rate for adults over 80. This is an extremely vigorous response in the elderly to a vaccine. So you have a choice and Shingrix is the most effective and lasts longer than Zostavax.